Mileena from Mortal Kombat with a Realistic Body
Mileena is the evil clone of Mortal Kombat’s Kitana, and is the creation made on the foundation of paranoia and evil. Despite sharing the same body shape as her genetic clone, she has an impressive set of sharp, animal-like teeth that she uses to her advantage.
She boasts imposing strength, and some straight-up carnivorous savagery we’re very much here for.

This is a parody. All trademark rights and copyrights relating to Mortal Kombat belong to their respective owner(s), which is not associated or affiliated with in any way and did not license rights or authorise or sponsor this article.
What’s changed...
Not wanting to get in the way of Mileena’s lust for human flesh, her masked face and terrifying gnashers have stayed as they are – but we’ve given her a much more common, and attainable, body shape.
Overtime Mileena has taken a similar journey to that of Jade; like Jade, Mileena spent a fair share of her time scantily clad and with her ripped body very much on show, until recently where she was dressed in a more dialled down, and realistic bodysuit.