Leona from League of Legends with a Realistic Body
Leona is as majestic as they come, a holy warrior defending Mount Targon with her impressive Shield of Daybreak. With shimmering skin and a hoard of ancient knowledge, she is a powerful protagonist not to be reckoned with.

This is a parody. All trademark rights and copyrights relating to League of Legends belong to their respective owner(s), which is not associated or affiliated with OnlineGambling.ca in any way and did not license rights or authorise or sponsor this article.
What’s changed...
This is possibly the WORST angle for a photo or image no matter how majestic you may be, so naturally we’ve given Leona a very real, and very relatable double chin.
Real-world Leona also entails bulking out her armour slightly to represent a more realistic body shape, and adding some skin scarring (‘cause she probably has horrific sun damage, let’s face it).